Many homeowners aren’t aware of what goes on within their homes air ducts. Over time, pollutants such as bacteria and mold, dust mites, and even dead bugs or pest droppings can be lingering in your air ducts. Your home’s air passes through the ducts with these contaminants inside them and out through your air vents. This is the air you’re breathing! We are In Indoor Air Quality Specialist!
Unclean air ducts can especially potentially harm those who suffer from asthma or other respiratory health problems and can be affected due to poor indoor air quality. So for cleaner air to breathe and to avoid potential health risks, it is definitely recommended that homeowners get their air ducts inspected and if necessary, thoroughly cleaned by professionals. We also check for duct leaks and any other issues that your air ducts may be having that you may not be aware of. Having a leaky air duct can raise your energy bills as your unit uses more power as air leaks.